
Masked Monsters
Every member of the State House and half the members of the State Senate are up for reelection...

Mob at the Door
Imagine you’re at a big gathering at someone’s house. Family, friends, neighbors, some folks you...

We’re Number 50!
Tennesseans apparently have lost their right to medical privacy. First Tennessee’s attorney...

Who’s “Fringe” Again?
Last year when Gloria Johnson announced she was running for Marsha Blackburn’s US Senate seat, the...

Take an Extra Day, Nonzombies
It’s been obvious for quite some time that we’re at risk of losing our democracy, and that a lot...

Fly Your Flag
Happy Flag Day! A lot of folks who support the guy who tried to overthrow the US government will...

Is This Thing On?
My husband and I have three daughters. The first two were born two years apart. Seven years later,...

Performative Patriotism in the State House
This week has been ridiculous. And trying. This week legislation was introduced in the State House...

Let’s Go Running Together
Today I picked up papers to run for the Tennessee General Assembly. That’s the state legislature,...

The State House is the People’s House.
The people of Tennessee aren’t being heard in the State House. I plan to change that. But I need...

A Word from a Nerd
One summer in the 1980s when I was home from college, my grandmother pulled me aside and...

Carrying the Load
Canvassing has easily been my favorite part of running for office so far, even given the heat...

Crime and Punishment and Democracy
Mention felon disenfranchisement—the loss of voting rights resulting from a felony conviction—and...

Poverty Dunks on Democracy
In October 2020, as I was registering voters outdoors in Alton Park, I saw a man sitting in a lawn...

Tennessee’s Democracy Problem
Tennessee consistently ranks among the bottom five states for voter registration and...