Tennessee’s Abortion Ban: Let’s Call Their Bluff

Tennessee’s Abortion Ban: Let’s Call Their Bluff

by | Jul 27, 2022 | Reproductive Rights

So our extremist state government cares so much about babies that they’ve stripped away the human rights of every woman in Tennessee.

Let’s call their bluff.

The babies resulting from government-forced births must be properly fed, housed, and educated for 18 years. If those babies have special needs—which generally last a lifetime—their medical and caregiving needs must be met. 

The girls and women being forced to put their health and lives at risk to carry to term, even if they’re victims of rape or incest, must be given full medical and psychological support. They also must be financially compensated for being forced to put their educational and career plans on hold for years, perhaps forever.

Medicaid expansion? Paid parental leave? Subsidized childcare? If our state government truly cares about the babies they’re forcing Tennessee women to bring into this world, certainly they’ll be on board.

If they’re not on board, they need to be on the record.