Reproductive Rights

No Excuse for Ignorance
Last week the Washington Post ran a cover story about Allie Phillips, the Clarksville mom who had...

Reflections on the 2023 Women’s March, from the front line
If you’re a progressive woman in Tennessee, maybe you participated in your local women’s march on...

Lose Your GPS—And Go There
I’m navigationally challenged, so last week I gave myself an extra half hour to canvass Fairfax...

Ready, Fire, Aim
"I will say as chairman of (the TN Senate Health and Welfare Committee), I am getting some...

Straight Talk (It’s All I’ve Got)
A project I’ve been working on since June finally came to fruition yesterday, with the publication...

An OB/GYN Explains Tennessee’s Upcoming Abortion Ban
“First do no harm.” Doctors take that oath, and in my opinion lawmakers should too, because they...

The Bananas Challenge
Among the most common questions I get from voters is “Where do you stand on abortion?” I always...

Tennessee’s Abortion Ban: Let’s Call Their Bluff
So our extremist state government cares so much about babies that they’ve stripped away the human...

Tennessee’s Abortion Ban: Ignorant, Or Just Cruel?
Ask an obstetrician, or really any experienced medical doctor, to read the language of Tennessee’s...